Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Tips on Suitcase Packing

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Having our own suitcase is one of the easiest way to get around, especially when traveling abroad. It’s also one trendy accessory to have when we want to go somewhere new or bring something that’s not suitable to carry in a backpack. It provides protection, convenience, and a peace of mind when carrying our own belongings.

If you feel like staying somewhere in one of the popular cities of Manila, find a simple and cozy Makati hotel. Manila is filled with business districts, landmarks, shopping centers, and many more but there’s no other place than Makati for a complete city experience. So if you plan to head somewhere, here are a few tips on how to pack your suitcase properly.

  1. Roll up your clothes because when you do this, it actually saves space and it will give you more stuff to put inside. Not much folding because everything else you just have to roll it all up. You can even place a few items inside when you can’t put it anywhere else.
  1. Make use of your ziplock bags because those actually come in handy, especially when you need to put your toiletries inside or other items that will prevent spilling.

  1. Avoid putting things that are valuable like your laptop or iPad. Suitcases may protect all kinds of items but when you have too many stuff inside, it might cause chaos with all that moving here and there.

Most of us are always on the go when we have so many things to do and so many places to go, Good thing we have our handy suitcases to bring with us. It sometimes makes you feel like you’re living out of it, doesn’t it? If ever you check yourself in Jinjiang Inn Hotel Makati, Manila, Philippines, you can make use of their facilities during your stay. They even have a luggage storage where you can keep your belongings while you wait for your check-in or have the need to step out for a bit. Make sure to book a room early so can avail some of their best room packages in advance. Book directly to their website for easy reservations and guaranteed online rates at

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